GCF New Member-Jorge Emanuel Ramalho from Mind4Logistics Consolidação e Logistica Lda

Welcome our new member Mr. Jorge Emanuel Ramalho, the CEO of Mind4Logistics Consolidação e Logistica Lda, from Portugal.

About Mr. Jorge Emanuel Ramalho

Jorge Emanuel Ramalho from Mind4Logistics Consolidação e Logistica Lda

Jorge Emanuel Ramalho is a perfectionist who commits to making things better. He is not only passionate about his own business, but also has rich experience in team management, and is good at using his experience to deploy global markets.

About Mind4Logistics Consolidação e Logistica Lda

Logo of Mind4Logistics Consolidação e Logistica Lda

Milestones started in 2021, but working closely, they have 4 logistics generations linked to work with and for you. Mind4Logistics team experience combines decades of knowledge and practical know-how, whilst showing strong ambition and motivation to keep writing beautiful pages on their milestones book.